Hi. Hello. Hey there. Remember me? Pink Pantsuit Society™? Probably not. Maybe you know me by Pax? Unlikely. Well, honestly, I can't blame you. I'm just a nerdy lawyer that hides behind a computer most days. Plus Pink Pantsuit Society™ virtually vanished over a year ago. But now it's back! For good. So here's a little story about why I'm here & why I was gone over the last year.
Once upon a time, I started a blog dedicated to women's business fashion. Inspired by my own struggles to navigate the business world's dress code, to find affordable, flattering, professional, feminine clothes, and to classify the spectrum of "professional" that sits between casual and business professional--I was determined to share any and all relatable challenges, insights, and discoveries I might have that would help another woman feel confident, professional, and poised when she walks into the office. So I started making a list of blog post ideas, which turned out to be alarmingly long. I began drafting many and publishing a few of those ideas. It started off well. And I was truly eager to transform this blog into an inspirational, relatable, and (most importantly) useful resource for women.
But then... I got really, really, really busy with work. And then... eight months ago, I began strictly working from home, where my outfits consisted solely of sweatpants. And then... two months ago, I moved across the country, from Utah to Delaware, to begin a new job as a law clerk for a federal judge on the Third Circuit of the Federal Court of Appeals. So, after committing to share more content with you all over a year ago, I failed to share a single blog post again... until today! I'd like to reintroduce you to Pink Pantsuit Society™ version 2.0, where I'll be sharing content about business fashion for women with you each week. While my credibility is certainly shot, I'm ready to put in the work to earn back your trust and hopefully continue to reach towards my goal of eliminating the often stressful, expensive, and confusing experience of developing one's professional style and work wardrobe.
Since our world has substantially changed during the year 2020, I want to account for the substantial influence those changes have had on everyone--from reducing our budgets during these less stable times to finding the right balance of professional yet comfortable when working from home--into my upcoming content. If there are specific topics you'd like me to cover, please reach out here (in a comment or by email) or on my Instagram account to share your suggestions. I want to ensure that I'm creating content that is relatable and helpful for you--my singular goal with Pink Pantsuit Society™ is to help each and every woman feel bold, classy, and visually qualified for the professional role she is intellectually qualified for, and I could truly care less about followers, deriving profit, or anything else ad-based that might be presumed from a fashion blog.
On that note, this is the {re}beginning of our story--the one where every woman feels beautiful, comfortable, respected, and professional {and whose wallet feels respected too} when she walks into the office, the one where every woman knows she belongs when she walks into the board room. I hope you'll join me and I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to read along. <3
Xo, Pax